Yavir tambourine dance!
Men dancing with tambourine in ukraine folk dance style! Gosh look at their stamina and their leaps! And who says men cant dance with the tambourine??
Ramblings of a dance worshipper named Aunty Danz!
Men dancing with tambourine in ukraine folk dance style! Gosh look at their stamina and their leaps! And who says men cant dance with the tambourine??
Posted in cultural, other tambourine dance by JB MOMMY
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Welcome to Aunty Danz' personal ramblings about Christian dance & etc. I will periodically upload some dance videos of my own choreography & also other uplifting dance videos from worldwide sources. May they inspire you in your dancing & ministry to the Lord! For more detailed tambourine/flags dance instructional videos, you can purchase them at Shachah Ministry (Magrate Yap). I don't sell any dvds or books. I am not from Shachah Ministry but am connected to them. You can contact them at shachahsing@shachah.org for bookings on dance worship seminars etc. If you do have any dance videos to share in the blog, do email me at: alcheang@gmail.com or Facebook me!
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