Tambourine dance (from Philipines)
Tambourine dance... very lovely costumes, coordination and great creativity!
I love their group formation...
Ramblings of a dance worshipper named Aunty Danz!
Tambourine dance... very lovely costumes, coordination and great creativity!
I love their group formation...
Posted in other tambourine dance by JB MOMMY
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Welcome to Aunty Danz' personal ramblings about Christian dance & etc. I will periodically upload some dance videos of my own choreography & also other uplifting dance videos from worldwide sources. May they inspire you in your dancing & ministry to the Lord! For more detailed tambourine/flags dance instructional videos, you can purchase them at Shachah Ministry (Magrate Yap). I don't sell any dvds or books. I am not from Shachah Ministry but am connected to them. You can contact them at shachahsing@shachah.org for bookings on dance worship seminars etc. If you do have any dance videos to share in the blog, do email me at: alcheang@gmail.com or Facebook me!
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